Сергей Шпилькин / Thursday, July 2, 2020 / Categories: Articles by geography, Russia, Moscow (city of), Dependence of results on the turnout, Kiesling-Shpilkin method Moscow and the Motherland are united Not really, the slight bend of the Moscow tail downwards shows that Moscow was rather topping up than overshooting - and you can only hit the point (100%, 100%) by overshooting. UPD: Mistake in the legend. Where it says "norm votes", it should read simply "votes" - including anomalous Print 26664 Tags: RF Constitutional Referendum 2020 Данные для статьиfullLaboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF Constitutional Referendum 2020Theoretic depthObservation More links Пост в Фейсбук автораИсточник Related articles A triumphant victory over myself A bell, a saw, an axe Dependence of "Yes" share on types of turnout Russia Constitutional Referendum 2020 Please login or register to post comments.