Electoral Graphics
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Monday, March 3, 2025

О проекте

Electoral.Graphics через годы и события

Investigations of this type

"Various investigations using the Gabdulvaleev Diagram. Here, you will see how elections were analysed using this Tool by others. There are various ways of constructing a Gabdulwaleev Diagram. It can be Google Sheets, Excel, author's program, etc. The purpose of our Lab is instructional: to get people interested in the methods of electoral statistics and to convince them that the methods are valid. We will never be able to load every election in the Lab. Elections in the Lab are just educational samples; they go through several stages of checks and adjustments: double-checking the accuracy of parsing, description of columns and the correctness of the data types in them, confirming the integrity of the hierarchy, adjusting the hierarchy for user understanding, translations into Russian and English, unfication of data types' description, defining formulas for calculating typical parameters, and so on.

So we will never be able to turn into educational samples all the elections you may be interested in. But if you have understood the principles and methods of electoral statistics, the next step is to do your own research. Such studies are collected in this section."

DIY Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram

The presentation of a new interactive tool

0 27408

Good news for electoral observers, journalists and election investigators. You have a new and long-awaited tool - the interactive Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram. This detailed video lesson will help you understand how to work with this kit, what the advantages of an integrated approach are, how the tools help each other to detect an anomaly, or how the findings of one tool confirm the findings of another. In the lecture, we detected falsifications in the Moscow region.

Dmitry V. The most criminal elections 2019

Homework from Dmitry V. for the course "Visualizing Democracy"

0 55012

The most criminal EDG elections 2019 according to Dmitry V: Bashkortostan, Kalmykia, the third place was shared by: Lipetsk, Vologda, Volgograd regions and Transbaikal Territory.

The most criminal EDG elections 2019 according to Dmitry V: Bashkortostan, Kalmykia, the third place was shared by: Lipetsk, Vologda, Volgograd regions and Transbaikal Territory.

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