Сергей Шпилькин / Wednesday, May 16, 2018 / Categories: Unimodality, Dependence of results on the turnout, Strings of Gabdulvaleev, Lectures and presentations, II Round Table, Miscellaneous, Azerbaijan, Slides and presentations Sergey Shpilkin "Azerbaijani presidential elections 2018: what the numbers can tell us" Presentation at the II Round Table of Mathematicians Sergey Shpilkin "Azerbaijani presidential election 2018: what the numbers can tell" Print 19358 Tags: Falsifications Данные для статьиfullTheoretic depthObservation Documents to download Shpilkin 2018 Azerbaijan presidential elections What the numbers say(.pdf, 1.64 MB) - 1927 download(s) Related articles Doubting Thomas's Crash Test New parameters to explore Funny story about the Tambov region The real turnout in Kuban was ~25% A triumphant victory over myself Please login or register to post comments.