Roman Udot / Tuesday, May 15, 2018 / Categories: Unimodality, Dependence of results on the turnout, Kiesling-Shpilkin method, Strings of Gabdulvaleev, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, Investigations of this type, II Round Table, Slides and presentations Roman Udot "Elections in Figures. Using Open Data to Detect Falsification" Presentation at the II Round Table of Mathematicians How to explain statistical methods to an eight-year-old child. An introduction to researchers and their methods. Print 19837 Theoretic depthObservation Documents to download Udot Elections by numbers(.pdf, 2.9 MB) - 1925 download(s) Please login or register to post comments.