8Sep2019 Russia, Unified Voting Day 2019 Sunday, September 8, 2019 Details Official title: The single day of voting is 8 September 2019 Wikipedia article: Unified day of voting 8 September 2019 Lab Note: . This dataset includes the 16 2019 gubernatorial elections: Election of the Head of the Lipetsk Region Administration Election of the Head of the Altai Republic Election of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Election of the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia Election of the Governor of the Astrakhan Oblast Election of the Governor of the Volgograd Region Election of the Governor of the Vologda Oblast Election of the Governor of the Kurgan region Election of the Governor of Kursk region Election of the Governor of the Murmansk region Election of the Governor of the Orenburg region Election of the Governor of St. Petersburg Election of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Elections of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Election of the Governor of the Zabaikalsky Krai Election of the Governor of the Sakhalin Region All of them have been uploaded to the Lab and are available for your analysis. Full dataset for the 2019 EDG elections is available on the Golos Movement website at Elections Calendar section. The polling station with a turnout of 117% is an error of the Bashkortostan election commission in the data of digital polling station #9011 (see CEC website) For you, researchers: Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis. Data report Original data source:The CEC of RFURL of the source:izbirkom.ru/region/izbirkomParsingGolosDataset:RussiaGovernors2019.zipVerification of the dataset with the source:Results of verification: not applicable.in the Lab Electoral Dossier In the dossier Assignment: find the top three most criminal elections of EDG 2019 Dmitry V. The most criminal elections 2019 Stats 2019. "Correct Answers". The most criminal EDG elections of 2019 according to EG Maxim Ya. Most Criminal Election 2019 Natalia Z. The most suspicious elections 2019
Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Friday, December 15, 2017 Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Sergey Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Presentation at the First Roundtable of Mathematicians
Boris Ovchinnikov "Statistics against electoral fraud" Friday, December 15, 2017 Boris Ovchinnikov "Statistics against electoral fraud" Boris Ovchinnikov's presentation "Statistics against electoral fraud"
Lev Krylenkov.Identification of drawn results Friday, December 15, 2017 Lev Krylenkov.Identification of drawn results Lev Krylenkov shows in his presentation on how fraud was detected in the 2014 St. Petersburg gubernatorial election.
Andrei Buzin Megastatistics of Russian quasi-elections Friday, December 15, 2017 Andrei Buzin Megastatistics of Russian quasi-elections A.Y. Buzin's presentation at the I Round Table of Mathematicians. "Megastatistics of Russian quasi-elections". Andrey Buzin proposed an extension of the Sobyanin-Sukhovolsky method.
Azat Gabdulvaleev. Elections in graphs. Overview of Russian cities. Friday, December 15, 2017 Azat Gabdulvaleev. Elections in graphs. Overview of Russian cities. Azat Gabdulvaleev's presentation at the First Round Table of Mathematicians.
Sergey Shpilkin's dataset archive Friday, August 5, 2016 Sergey Shpilkin's dataset archive S.A. Shpilkin's dataset archive includes federal elections in Russia from 1999 to 2012.
Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) Thursday, January 1, 2009 Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) Alexander Shen's classic work, written by him in 2009, and continued for 11 years.