Electoral Graphics
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Wednesday, March 5, 2025


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Two-Humped Moscow

Two-Humped Moscow

Two-Humped Moscow

Histogram Generator video lesson

We confirm the falsifications with histograms.
After 7 years we can see the falsifications that caused people to take to the streets of Moscow, protesting against rigged elections.
Comparison of voting data in Moscow in 2011, 2012 and 2016, as well as in the Chechen Republic;

For you, researchers:

The electoral data of all the elections from this article has been uploaded into the Lab . Now, you can see the elections with your own eyes™.
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Elections in the article

Russia, State Duma 2016

Official title:

Election of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation


The All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA"

Wikipedia article:

Elections to the State Duma (2016)

Lab Note:

Data uploaded to Tools first version (v 1.0)

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Data report

Original data source:The CEC of the RF
URL of the source:www.vybory.izbirkom.ru/region/izbirkom?action=show&global=1&vrn=100100067795849®ion=0&prver=0&pronetvd=0
Data validation fileRussa_Parliament_2016.pdf
Verification of the dataset with the source:

no data available

in the Lab

Russia, President 2012

Official title:

Election of the President of the Russian Federation


Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Wikipedia article:

Presidential elections in Russia (2012)

Lab Note:

Data loaded in Tools version 1.0 only

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Data report

Russia, State Duma 2011

Official title:

Election of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation


The All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA"

Wikipedia article:

State Duma elections (2011)

Lab Note:

Elections are available in the First Version Tools (v 1.0)

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Data report

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