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Mateusz Bajek "The era of new opportunities: video observation and statistics combined (Russian Presidential elections 2018)"

Mateusz Bajek "The era of new opportunities: video observation and statistics combined (Russian Presidential elections 2018)"

Mateusz Bajek "The era of new opportunities: video observation and statistics combined (Russian Presidential elections 2018)"

Presentation at the II Round Table of Mathematicians

Mateusz Bajek "The Age of New Opportunities: Video Surveillance and Statistics Together" (Russian Presidential Elections 2018)

Mateusz also presented a unique investigation that fully confirmed the predictions of the Kisling-Spilkin method and the "Improbable Clusters" method (Gabdulvaleev necklaces) :



Previous Article Roman Udot "Referendum in Armenia 2015 in Numbers and Diagrams"
Next Article Mateusz Bayek at the Second Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 г.

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Elections in the article

Russia, President 2018

Official name:

Election of the President of the Russian Federation


Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Wikipedia entry:

Presidential elections in Russia (2018)

For you, researchers:

The data has been uploaded into the Lab .
You can see the elections with your own eyes™.

Data report

On the same topic

Russia, Unified Voting Day 2020

Official name: Unified Voting Day 13 September 2020 Wikipedia article: 2020 Russian regional elections Dataset Composition The dataset contains complete election data for more than 1,000 districts.The archive is divided into the following parts: Data for the gubernatorial elections, for 21 September (file "Governors_results_21_Sep_2020_18_40.zip") Data of byelections to the State...

Russia, Tambov region, Governor 2020

Official title: Election of the head of administration of the Tambov region Winner/leader: Alexander Nikitin Wikipedia article: Выборы главы администрации Тамбовской области (2020)

Russia, Krasnodar Region, Governor 2020

Official title: Election of the head of administration (governor) of Krasnodar Krai Winner/leader: Veniamin Kondratiev Wikipedia article: Выборы губернатора Краснодарского края (2020)

A bell, a saw, an axe

Journalists "Важных историй" Alesya Marokhovskaya and Alexei Smagin made a curious "explainer" in their article. Recommended."Analysts believe that the last vote on amendments to the Constitution was a record-breaking vote on the scale of falsifications. They cite many complex graphs to prove it. «Important Stories» made a simple visual...

Moscow and the Motherland are united

Not really, the slight bend of the Moscow tail downwards shows that Moscow was rather topping up than overshooting - and you can only hit the point (100%, 100%) by overshooting.

UPD: Mistake in the legend. Where it says "norm votes", it should read simply "votes" - including anomalous

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