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Wednesday, March 5, 2025


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Mateusz Bayek at the Second Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 г.

Mateusz Bayek at the Second Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 г.

Discussions. Presentation.

In May 2018, Mateusz Bayek participated in the Mathematicians Roundtable II. You can listen and see for yourself™ how it happened.


Mateusz also presented a unique investigation that fully confirmed the predictions of the Kisling-Spilkin method and the "Incredible Clusters" method (Gabdulvaleev necklaces):

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Previous Article Mateusz Bajek "The era of new opportunities: video observation and statistics combined (Russian Presidential elections 2018)"
Next Article Alexei Kupriyanov: "Patterns of electoral behaviour in Russia are very complicated (probably), but they may as well be not"
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