Integration Manager / Sunday, September 13, 2020 / Categories: Territory of elections, Russia, Smolensk Oblast, Catalogue of Elections, with datasets, in the Lab Russia, Smolensk region, Governor 2020 electoral card Official title: Election of the Governor of Smolensk Region Winner/leader: Alexei Ostrovsky Wikipedia article: Выборы губернатора Смоленской области (2020) Print 26401 Tags: RF Smolensk Obl Governor 2020 Original data source:The CEC of RussiaURL of the®ion=67&global=&sub_region=0&prver=0&pronetvd=null&vibid=26720001150502&type=234Data validation filescreenshot.zipParsingShpilkinDataset:Smolensk Governor 2020.zipDate of verification10/3/2020Verification of the dataset with the source:Reconciliation result: Discrepancy of 175 registered voters, 80 ballots (no digital PECs). Digital PECs didn't make it into Spilkin's parsings in 2020. Credibility of captcha The CEC's creation of obstacles to data collection and data analysis by the Lab Related articles Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Please login or register to post comments.