6Dec2015 Armenia Referendum 2015 Sunday, December 6, 2015 Details Summary of the Referendum Election Armenia in 2015Wikipedia article. For you, researchers: Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis. Data report Original data source:CEC of the Republic of ArmeniaURL of the source:res.elections.amData validation file06.12.15n.pdfDataset:Preliminary results at 4-391.xlsxVerification of the dataset with the source:There is no need for verification because official data and the dataset are of a single source.in the Lab Documents to download 06.12.15n(.pdf, 1.05 MB) - 397 download(s) More links Link title Link description Electoral Dossier In the dossier Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Roman Udot "Referendum in Armenia 2015 in Numbers and Diagrams" Roman Udot "Statistical Analysis of the Results of the Constitutional Referendum in the Republic of Armenia"
11May2015 Poland President I round 2015 Monday, May 11, 2015 Details Summary of the Presidential Election I round Poland in 2015 Wikipedia article. Electoral Dossier In the dossier Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections"