Dossier on the Election in the Lab

Dossier on the election available in the Lab -a collection of election information from our site. All materials where this election is mentioned.

Election Cards

Twenty-one governors are ready for the probe

Twenty-one governors are ready for the probe

The Central Election Commission of Russia (the CEC) planned to hide the digital data from the public, just as it hides from the public the videos on which we love to catch ballot box stuffing, carousels and other crimes.

But the CEC failed.

Although with difficulty, data miners completed the parsing of data on the gubernatorial elections. Finally, we got the last one from them: the Tyumen governor's election.

Now we have exactly 21 governors. And we are extremely happy to publish them in in the new "Special Tools" section.

All parsings are checked for conformity with the CEC results, the discrepancies are related to 1-2 precincts, which is due to the instability of data on the CEC website, but the precision is enough for analysis. For this verification there is a special part of the integrated tool: the verification table.

The governors' 21 is bristling with the awls of DEGs and the red hedgehogs of anomalous votes.

But, these are only our interpretations of the data: in our selection of the "honest PEC zone".

These diagrams are unique and innovative. No one has done this before. Now you can choose the "zone of honest PECs" yourself. The tool will recalculate the total number of anomalous votes automatically.

In addition, you will be able to work with:

  • Kiesling-Shpilkin's graphs
    • in traditional notation
    • in extended notation
    • as a histogram
    • for all candidates
  • Scatter-plot diagram
    • of turnout
    • of the number of registered voters
  • Geographic-administrative diagram
    • for the leader
    • for turnout
  • Hi-Res Histogram builder
    • for turnout
    • for the leader
  • Verification table for checking the consistency of parsing
  • Reference table for data for any sample of TECs and PECs

Integration is an important element of the new tools. For example, you can now conclude the old argument about peaks at integer percentages: Geo-Admin diagram will even tell you the numbers of those PECs that produce a given peak on the Hi-Res histogram.

How to detect falsifications with the help of these tools is described in the video using the example of falsifications discovered in the Moscow region in September 2023..

Laboratory support for articlefull
Theoretic depth
  • Observation
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Articles on the Elections

Review of the ROIPP report "Mathematical Tools for Delegitimizing Elections"

Андрей Бузин 0 9372

Yes, something must be done with our society, which «still has some flaws». It is very gullible and therefore prefers Shpilkin to Borisov. But it is necessary to implement a number of measures to remove distrust in the procedures for establishing the results of voting». It is possible, for example, to establish not only a captcha for obtaining these results, but to declare them a state secret for disclosure of which one can get 10 years. And for the use of the Gauss function, we should deprive them of the right to correspond.

It is time to fight back against the mathematicians who are invading our social processes!

Mathematical tools for delegitimizing elections. Report

Report of the Russian Public Institute for Electoral Law (RPIEL)

EG 0 10240

3 сентября 2020 года на сайте Российского общественного института избирательного права (РОИИП) был опубликован доклад "Математические инструменты делегитимации выборов". In it, the authors criticized one of the methods of analysis: unimodality. 
They concluded that "with existing methods of mathematical analysis it is impossible to describe and make an assessment of electoral behavior and voting outcomes" and reduced everything to a "political struggle". We suggest to read how convincingly and reasonably they did it.


A bell, a saw, an axe

EG 0 37140

Journalists "Важных историй" Alesya Marokhovskaya and Alexei Smagin made a curious "explainer" in their article. Recommended.

"Analysts believe that the last vote on amendments to the Constitution was a record-breaking vote on the scale of falsifications. They cite many complex graphs to prove it. «Important Stories» made a simple visual «explanation» which should help to understand them".
