Integration Manager / Sunday, September 13, 2020 / Categories: Territory of elections, Russia, Perm Krai, Catalogue of Elections, with datasets, in the Lab Russia, Perm Territory, Governor 2020 electoral card Official title: Early election for governor of Perm Krai Winner/leader: Dmitry Makhonin Wikipedia article: Выборы губернатора Пермского края (2020) Previous Article Russia, Komi Republic, Head of the Republic of Komi 2020 Next Article Russia, Penza Region, Governor 2020 Print 26063 Tags: RF Perm Krai Governor 2020 Original data source:The CEC of RussiaURL of the®ion=90&global=&sub_region=0&prver=0&pronetvd=null&vibid=25920002052256&type=234Data validation fileRussia_Perm'_region_Governor_2020.pdfParsingShpilkinDataset:Russia_Perm_region_Governor_2020.zipDate of verification10/2/2020Verification of the dataset with the source:Discrepancy of 303 voters, 150 ballots (no digital PECs). Digital PECs did not make it into Shpilkin's parsings in 2020. The CEC, by introducing the captcha mechanism on its website, deliberately created obstacles for citizens to familiarize themselves with and analyze the election results. This, in turn, reduced the reliability of fixing published data using the Wayback Machine and similar the Lab Related articles Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Please login or register to post comments.
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Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Roman Udot / Sunday, October 4, 2020 0 44899 The data of the gubernatorial elections, kindly provided by Sergei Shpilkin, have been uploaded to the Lab and are ready for independent study. Now you can build your own Governor's Shilo, Respect Fake, Two-humped Governor, and Wall Cloud. But the main thing is to try to find your personal falsification. Read more
Magnitogorsk City Council - unconventional analysis and an amazing flag Magnitogorsk City Council - unconventional analysis and an amazing flag EG / Sunday, October 4, 2020 0 20396 At the request of one of the losing candidates, we uploaded a multi-mandate election. For this purpose we had to conditionally bring 32 districts to one "single district": candidates were grouped by the political party that nominated them. Self-nominated candidates fell into one conditional "party". Only in one district there were two self-nominees. You can already see the resulting picture at Laboratory. The Election Dossier is in the Navigator. From the most amazing: the flag of Magnitogorsk. Read more
New parameters to explore New parameters to explore Roman Udot / Thursday, October 1, 2020 0 40265 But new, non-transparent types of voting in Russia we introduce new parameters for studying elections in the Lab. The "ntransparent vote opens new horizons for your research. Read more