Dossier on the Election in the Lab

Dossier on the election available in the Lab -a collection of election information from our site. All materials where this election is mentioned.

Election Cards

United Voting Day election data received (Russia)
Telegram channel RUElectionData

United Voting Day election data received (Russia)

The Telegram Channel RuElectionData (Open data on Russian elections) published updated datasets for the Single Election Day elections held on 13.09.2020 in Russia;
It included:

  • Voter movement (attachment/detachment) data, gubernatorial elections, as of Sept. 20
  • Voter movement (attachment/detachment) data, for regional parliamentary elections
  • Data from  regional parliamentary elections, as of September 21
  • Gubernatorial election data, as of Sept. 21
  • State Duma by-election data, as of September 21
  • Election data from regional centers, as of September 21
  • Election data from "Smart Voting" cities other than regional centers, as of September 21

In our plans: uploading to the Gubernatorial Election Lab from this dataset.

Данные для статьиfull
Laboratory support for articlepart
Theoretic depth
  • Observation

Documents to download

  • results_21_Sep_2020_17_24(.zip, 2.1 MB) - 238 download(s)

    Данные выборов в региональных центрах, на 21 сентября

  • results_21_Sep_2020_17_39(.zip, 169.63 KB) - 234 download(s)

    Данные довыборов в Госдуму, на 21 сентября

  • results_21_Sep_2020_18_17(.zip, 3.32 MB) - 249 download(s)

    Данные выборов региональных парламентов, на 21 сентября

  • results_21_Sep_2020_18_40(.zip, 2.12 MB) - 247 download(s)

    Данные выборов губернаторов, на 21 сентября

  • results_21_Sep_2020_18_54(.zip, 586.76 KB) - 254 download(s)

    Данные выборов в городах "Умного голосования" кроме региональных центров, на 21 сентября

  • voter_movement (2)(.xlsx, 673.62 KB) - 238 download(s)

    Данные по движению (прикреплению/откреплению) избирателей, для выборов региональных парламентов

  • voter_movement(.xlsx, 736.31 KB) - 229 download(s)

    Данные по движению (прикреплению/откреплению) избирателей, губернаторские выборы, по состоянию на 20 сентября

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Articles on the Elections

DIY Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram

The presentation of a new interactive tool

EG 0 19994

Good news for electoral observers, journalists and election investigators. You have a new and long-awaited tool - the interactive Kiesling-Shpilkin diagram. This detailed video lesson will help you understand how to work with this kit, what the advantages of an integrated approach are, how the tools help each other to detect an anomaly, or how the findings of one tool confirm the findings of another. In the lecture, we detected falsifications in the Moscow region.
