Roman Udot / Saturday, March 17, 2018 / Categories: Karachay-Cherkess Repub, Saratov Oblast, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Chechen (Republic of), Strings of Gabdulvaleev, Geographical Anomalies, Examples and guidelines, Examples and guidelines, Verdict of Electoral.Graphics, Videos Getting "Saratov 62%" with our own hands Gabdulvaleev plotter video lesson The famous "Saratov 62%" aka "Volodin Peak" is not a myth, but a fact derived from official data. You can see for yourself™ right now. Lab Note: Only the first version tools (v 1.0) contain datasets for the 2011 and 2016 Duma elections, but you can repeat the experiment for more recent elections. The video was recorded in 2018. Since then, many elections have been uploaded to the Lab, and many similar anomalies have been found. Print 25210 Tags: FalsificationsRF Duma 2016RF Duma 2011Investigation Laboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF Duma 2016 RF Duma 2011Theoretic depthObservation Related articles Two-Humped Moscow Moscow of a healthy person and Moscow of a smoker Doubting Thomas's Crash Test Stats 2019. "Correct Answers". The most criminal EDG elections of 2019 according to EG Maxim Ya. Most Criminal Election 2019 Please login or register to post comments.
On the fabricated results of the referendum in the Luhansk region On the fabricated results of the referendum in the Luhansk region A mathematician detected falsification using three numerals EG / Wednesday, May 14, 2014 0 194 When results are fabricated, percentages are first made up, and absolute numbers are then calculated from them. That's how they got caught. Read more
Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) October 22, 2009, December 2011 through April 2012, May 2018, July 2020, September 2020 Alexander Shen / Thursday, January 1, 2009 0 6942 Alexander Shen's classic work, written by him in 2009, and continued for 11 years. Read more