External Sources Manager / Tuesday, October 28, 2008 / Categories: Machine-readable libraries Database of NGO Golos Movement Machine-readable data library The Golos Movement collects and processes data from the Central Election Commission of Russia for easy analysis. The Movement's database contains data on more than one hundred thousand elections at various levels in the Russian Federation. Data format: *.csv in *.zip archives. Parsing time: As a rule, automatically three-four days after publication or upon request. Disadvantages noted: Superfluous lines when commissions change the structure of PECs before and after the election. Digital PECs are not parsed (as of summer 2020). Digital PECs are not parsed (as of summer 2020). Instructions: Go to «Election Calendar», find the elections you need and on the page that opens, follow the link to download the zip archive with the results. Previous Article Ukraine President Re-voting of II round 2004 Next Article Ukraine President I round 2010 Print 14379 Please login or register to post comments.
On the fabricated results of the referendum in the Luhansk region On the fabricated results of the referendum in the Luhansk region A mathematician detected falsification using three numerals EG / Wednesday, May 14, 2014 0 1802 When results are fabricated, percentages are first made up, and absolute numbers are then calculated from them. That's how they got caught. Read more
Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) Elections and statistics: the United Russia casus belli (2009-2020) October 22, 2009, December 2011 through April 2012, May 2018, July 2020, September 2020 Alexander Shen / Thursday, January 1, 2009 0 7708 Alexander Shen's classic work, written by him in 2009, and continued for 11 years. Read more