Integration Manager / Sunday, November 21, 2004 / Categories: Territory of elections, Ukraine, Catalogue of Elections, with datasets, in the Lab Ukraine President II round 2004 election card Official title: Rerun of the presidential election in Ukraine on 21.11.2004 Winner/Leader: V. F. Yanukovych Wikipedia article: Wikipedia article. Previous Article Ukraine, President I round 2004 Next Article Ukraine President Re-voting of II round 2004 Print 16343 Tags: Ukraine President II round 2004 Original data source:The CEC of UkraineURL of the validation fileРезультати голосування по Україні.pdfParsingShpilkinDataset:2004.11.21 President Ukraine.zipDate of verification4/16/2019Verification of the dataset with the source:Deviation: up to 93 thousand (turnout), up to 51 thousand (candidate), the Lab Please login or register to post comments.
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