Dossier on the Election in the Lab

Dossier on the election available in the Lab -a collection of election information from our site. All materials where this election is mentioned.

Election Cards

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
External Sources Manager

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

Official website:

Election data website:

Data format:

Hierarchical HTML pages.

Data Hiding:

Капча ЦИК РФ

Капча ЦИК РФ

Капча на сайте ЦИК РФ при заходе на данные "Выборы главы администрации (губернатора) Краснодарского края"
As of 01.07.2020, when conducting All-Russian voting on the approval of changes to the Constitution Russia's CEC began to obstruct the analysis of data and the detection of statistical anomalies. For this purpose, a captcha was introduced on the website that publishes data on voting results at the first login to the site. On 13.09.2020, during Unified voting day, access was obstructed already when entering each page.

Fullness and errors in data:

On Unified Election Day 2020 there was a discrepancy for the first time between the published official totals and the published official results of the lower-level election commissions.

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Articles on the Elections

Azat Gabdulvaleev "Analysis of election results in the city of Grozny using graphical visualization and turnout counting based on video recordings from polling stations"

Presentation at the II Round Table of Mathematicians

Azat Gabdulvaleev 0 18420

Azat Gabdulvaleev "Analysis of election results in the city of Grozny using graphic visualization and turnout counting based on video recordings from polling stations

The subject of the study is the capital of the Chechen Republic - the city of Grozny. It should be said that Chechnya consistently shows superloyal results in elections at any level.

Azat Gabdulvaleev "Graphical visualization of open data as a simple way to detect anomalies in voting results"

Presentation at the II Round Table of Mathematicians

Azat Gabdulvaleev 0 13342

One such method is graphical visualization of open data. There is little or no math involved, but the charts can immediately identify some anomalies and indicate areas that need more detailed investigation.

So you can visualize open data in a graphical way.
