Андрей Бузин / Friday, July 3, 2020 / Categories: Articles by geography, Russia, Dependence of results on the turnout Dependence of "Yes" share on types of turnout Oh, how the electoral statistics would have gone wild if Bulayev in the AP had been told to publish data on how early voting was conducted by polling stations! Oh, how many fine examples of the falsification of this "triumph" we would have had, if it had been possible to look at the acts of early voting and scrutinize the lists of voters at PECs without scandals! But the thundering statements about openness and publicity coming from the CEC are easily drowned out by the cotton-wool wall of lower-level commissions that guard state secrets from citizens. I barely managed to break through the defenders of "nationwide approval" and to get some information at the grassroots level (at the level of TECs and PECs). But more about that in the next post. Now I'll talk about what Bulayev failed to hide, and what came out even at the regional level. And what has come out is that the share of "YES" responses has a VERY high correlation with early voting and is almost independent of the July 1 vote. Here it is, an expressive picture. I dedicate it to the CEC, the AP probably doesn't care about it now. (In the picture, the dots correspond to the subjects of the Federation) Print 19078 Tags: RF Constitutional Referendum 2020 Данные для статьиfullLaboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF Constitutional Referendum 2020Theoretic depthObservation More links Источник Related articles A triumphant victory over myself A bell, a saw, an axe Moscow and the Motherland are united Russia Constitutional Referendum 2020 Please login or register to post comments.
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