Сергей Шпилькин / Friday, December 15, 2017 / Categories: Russia, Unimodality, Dependence of results on the turnout, Kiesling-Shpilkin method, The Last Digit, Strings of Gabdulvaleev, Dynamics of official turnout, Geographical Anomalies, Slides and presentations Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" Presentation at the I Round Table of Mathematicians Sergei Shpilkin "Statistical Analysis of Elections" In his work, Sergei Shpilkin gives a graphical overview of different methods of analyzing elections in different countries. Print 39906 Tags: ResearchFrance President I round 2014RF President 2012Armenia President 1996Armenia Referendum 2015Armenia Parliament 2015Azerbaijan President 2013France President I round 2017Poland President I round 2015Romania President I round 2014Turkey President 2014Ukraine President I round 2010Venezuela President 2013RF President I round 1996RF President II round 1996RF Duma 1999Armenia Parliament 2017 Theoretic depthObservation Documents to download Sergei Spilkin Statistical analysis of elections RTM-1 Dec 2017(.pdf, 25.66 MB) - 16569 download(s) Related articles Alexander Shen "What mathematical statistics can't say" Andrei Buzin Megastatistics of Russian quasi-elections Alexander Shen. II Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 Roman Udot "Referendum in Armenia 2015 in Numbers and Diagrams" Andrei Buzin "The Evolution of Moscow's Electoral Anomalies" Please login or register to post comments.
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