Dossier on the Election in the Lab

Dossier on the election available in the Lab -a collection of election information from our site. All materials where this election is mentioned.

Election Cards

Official name:

Election of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic


Aleksandr Zakharchenko

Wikipedia entry:

2014 Donbas general elections

Wikipedia entry (Rus.):

Всеобщие выборы в Донецкой Народной Республике (2014)

For you, researchers:

Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis.

Краткая сводка:

Original data source:The CEC of DPR
URL of the
Data validation
Verification of the dataset with the source:

The official protocol is sufficient to detect falsification.

in the Lab

Syria, President, 2024

Official name:

Election of the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, 2014


Bashar al-Assad

Wikipedia entry:

2014 Syrian presidential election

Wikipedia entry (Rus.):

Президентские выборы в Сирии (2014)

For you, researchers:

Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis.

Краткая сводка:

Data validation
Verification of the dataset with the source:

The official data is sufficient to detect falsification.

in the Lab
Official name:

People's Referendum on Luhansk Oblast


Option ‘Yes.’

Wikipedia entry:

2014 Donbas status referendums

Wikipedia entry (Rus.):

Референдумы на Донбассе (2014)

For you, researchers:

Electoral data is available for download and independent analysis.

Краткая сводка:

URL of the
Dataset:UA Luhansk
Verification of the dataset with the source:

The image of the original protocol of the Election Commission. 

in the Lab

Articles on the Elections

Unbelievable data from Venezuela's Presidential election with a Russian smack

Without any doubt: The official data from the Presidential Elections in Venezuela were fabricated

Roman Udot 0 3176

The numbers announced by Venezuela's electoral commission were fabricated in the same way that they were fabricated in the occupied Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine for the 2024 Russian presidential election.

The voting results in the LNR and Zaporizhzhia regions are fabricated

The candidates' results do not show the randomness expected from the free expression of citizens' will

Roman Udot 0 2921

Calculations in the commissions of the Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia regions were carried out in reverse: the number of votes for candidates was obtained by multiplying the turnout by the planned percentages for the candidates.
