Roman Udot / Sunday, March 18, 2018 / Categories: Articles by geography, Russia, Moscow (city of), Chechen (Republic of), Unimodality, Retrospective Analysis, Examples and guidelines, Examples and guidelines, Verdict of Electoral.Graphics, Videos Two-Humped Moscow Histogram Generator video lesson We confirm the falsifications with histograms.After 7 years we can see the falsifications that caused people to take to the streets of Moscow, protesting against rigged elections.Comparison of voting data in Moscow in 2011, 2012 and 2016, as well as in the Chechen Republic; Print 31866 Tags: FalsificationsRF President 2012RF Duma 2016RF Duma 2011Investigation Laboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF President 2012 RF Duma 2016 RF Duma 2011Theoretic depthObservation Related articles Moscow of a healthy person and Moscow of a smoker Getting "Saratov 62%" with our own hands Alexander Shen. II Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 Alexander Shen "What mathematical statistics can't say" Doubting Thomas's Crash Test Please login or register to post comments.