Roman Udot / Saturday, March 17, 2018 / Categories: Articles by geography, Russia, Moscow (city of), Unimodality, Dependence of results on the turnout, Retrospective Analysis, Examples and guidelines, Examples and guidelines, Verdict of Electoral.Graphics, Videos Moscow of a healthy person and Moscow of a smoker Scatter Plotter Tool video lesson Falsifications, because of which people took to the streets of Moscow we prove with math.Identifying anomalies with the Scatter Plotter Tool. Construction of a scatter diagram. Comparison of voting data in Moscow at the Presidential (2012) and Duma elections (2011, 2016). Print 28876 Tags: FalsificationsRF President 2012RF Duma 2016RF Duma 2011Investigation Данные для статьиnoLaboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF President 2012 RF Duma 2016 RF Duma 2011Theoretic depthObservation Related articles Two-Humped Moscow Getting "Saratov 62%" with our own hands Alexander Shen. II Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 Alexander Shen "What mathematical statistics can't say" Doubting Thomas's Crash Test Please login or register to post comments.