EG / Sunday, October 4, 2020 / Categories: Russia, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Magnitogorsk (city of), News from the Lab Magnitogorsk City Council - unconventional analysis and an amazing flag At the request of one of the losing candidates, we uploaded a multi-mandate election. For this purpose we had to conditionally bring 32 districts to one "single district": candidates were grouped by the political party that nominated them. Self-nominated candidates fell into one conditional "party". Only in one district there were two self-nominees. You can already see the resulting picture at Laboratory. The Election Dossier is in the Navigator. From the most amazing: the flag of Magnitogorsk. Print 20207 Tags: RF Magnitogorsk City Council 2020 Данные для статьиfullLaboratory support for articlefullDossier's BlockRF Unified E-Day 2020 RF Magnitogorsk City Council 2020Theoretic depthObservation Related articles Russian governors of 2020 already under the microscope Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, City Council 2020 Please login or register to post comments.