Alexander Shen / Wednesday, May 16, 2018 / Categories: Russia, Moscow (city of), Saratov Oblast, Tatarstan (Republic of), Sevastopol, Unimodality, Dependence of results on the turnout, Kiesling-Shpilkin method, Integer percentages, Investigations, Strings of Gabdulvaleev, Reverse Engineering, Retrospective Analysis, Dynamics of official turnout, Impact of Electronic Voting Machines, Geographical Anomalies, Fundamentals of statistics, Lectures and presentations, II Round Table, Slides and presentations, Videos Alexander Shen. II Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 Closed discussions of the Round Table Alexander Shen. II Roundtable of Mathematicians. 2018 Closed discussions of the Round Table. Open presentation Previous Article Alexander Shen "What mathematical statistics can't say" Next Article Sergey Shpilkin "Azerbaijani presidential elections 2018: what the numbers can tell us" Print 45517 Tags: VideoRF President 2012RF President 2018RF Duma 2016RF Duma 2011Sevastopol Referendum 2014 Данные для статьиpartLaboratory support for articlepartTheoretic depthObservation Related articles Alexander Shen "What mathematical statistics can't say" Two-Humped Moscow Moscow of a healthy person and Moscow of a smoker Alexey Kupriyanov. II Round Table of Mathematicians. 2018 Andrei Buzin "The Evolution of Moscow's Electoral Anomalies" Please login or register to post comments.